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Nithursa Sivakumar
Ass. Consultant

My experience
On April 1, 2024, I started at Vinario. At the moment, I am a fourth-year Business Economics student at The Hague University of Applied Sciences in The Hague. So far, I have gained various experiences through my internships from school and part-time work in financial departments. For instance, at the Audit Service of the State, I gained experience in performing audit tasks. My assignment involved conducting a risk analysis and proposing process improvement suggestions resulting from it. This provided me with insight into the chronological flow of a process and identified existing bottlenecks. At Vinario, I got the opportunity to do my graduation internship. Currently, I am mainly focused on writing my final report to successfully complete my education. Furthermore, I am someone who always wants to learn new things and I look forward to continuing to do so in the future.

What I believe in
I believe in good collaboration; by working together, we can achieve a lot, both within the team and with the organization that needs our help.

What drives me
What truly drives me is engaging in relevant tasks where I can contribute to society. The same goes for collaborating with colleagues from whom I can learn a lot, enabling my personal development. Additionally, I get energized by learning new things. Therefore, I have decided to pursue further studies for a master’s degree in the field of Accountancy & Control.

Business chemistry type
Red: Goal-oriented, concrete, determined
Green: Helpful, social, attentive